Meetings & Conventions

Rocky Mountain Gathering
Saturday, March 22nd,
1:00 pm at the Denver Public Library,
Bear Valley Branch
5171 W. Dartmouth Ave. Denver, CO 80236 2006.

Our topic will be on flint glass so bring your pieces for show and tell along with your mystery pieces. Refreshment will be served. Questions: email Frank Blosser at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text at 303-810-3204. Looking forward to seeing everyone.


Central States Regional Gathering

Kalona, Iowa

Thursday June 19, Friday June 20, & Saturday June 21

Come to the EAPG Central States Gathering in Kalona, Iowa, in the heart of Amish/Mennonite country.

The agenda will include:
1. The Dutch Country Inn in Kalona, 1-319-656-3611, for reservations. Use EAPG Central States to obtain the room rate of $99.75, tax included, for 1-2 persons per room. Reservations MUST be made by May 15th, for these prices to hold. Rate includes continental breakfast; full breakfasts are available within walking distance.
2. Glass sales: Members Buy? Sell? Maybe both........
3. A 90 minute bus tour/guide of the countryside with stops at a bakery, gift, wood and buggy shops.
4. The Kalona Historical Museum and Village. Collections of EAPG, quilts, and buildings with artifacts are extensive.
5. An open house and hospitality hour to view the collections of Rick and Renee Miller.
6. Evening meals, served family style, will be in an Amish home.
7. We are working on arranging a close view of home and farm.
8. In between there are the antique shops of Kalona.
9. For those staying Sunday the Amana Colonies are open; Kalona shops will close.
The Dutch Inn will honor the room rate for Sunday night as a convenience for you. Directions, agenda, etc. will be available at the Dutch Country Inn.

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2025 Annual Meeting 

Weston, West Virginia

July 13-15

A Day (or Two, or Three) at the Museum of American Glass in West Virginia

The 2025 EAPGS Annual Meeting will be held July 13-15 (Sunday-Tuesday) at the  Bridgeport Conference Center in Bridgeport, West Virginia (evening dinners and meetings) and at the Museum of American Glass in Weston, West Virginia (daytime activities). The two locations are an easy 25 mile distance/ 30 minute drive down I-79.

The daytime activities at the museum will include volunteer work and glass sales – lots and lots of EAPG, both from the museum store’s existing stock and also from collection donations that will be offered at low museum prices. All proceeds from the sales of the donated glass will go to the museum and Tom Felt has assured me that prices will be kept “low”. They can always use the cash and they definitely need to free up space in their storage areas. At the museum, because of a limited amount of space, lunches will be on your own. We will have a list of restaurants in the area that serve lunch.

In addition to lots of glass sales at the Museum, we will also have member sales after dinner on Sunday night, the annual business meeting on Monday night, and a dedicated evening of “Show and Tell” on Tuesday evening. Meals are being planned and from what the conference center has offered us as options, we will have several delectable choices each evening. Each meal will have three entrees, two vegetables, and two starches, as well as salad and dessert.

Hotel accommodations will be at the Wingate Hotel, Bridgeport, West Virginia, which is connected to the Conference Center. They have offered us a very reasonable rate of $85.00 per night plus tax and that rate is good from Saturday, July 12 to Wednesday, July 16. Breakfast is included. A limited number of rooms have been set aside. To obtain the special room rate mention Early American Pattern Glass Society or EAPGS

Wingate by Wyndham
350 Conference Center Way
Bridgeport, West Virginia 26330
Telephone (304-808-1000).

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